Snowy winter landscape in Flachau
Enquiry Call the hotel Picture gallery of the Hotel Waidmannsheil Voucher

Live webcams and weather
in Flachau

The live webcams in Flachau capture the weather moods of the wonderful skiing and hiking region. Whether rain or shine, the webcams in Flachau invite you to discover Flachau and spend a holiday at the Hotel Waidmannsheil.

Live webcam Flachau - Achterjet mountain station

What's the weather forecast?



morning 1°C Temperature 1°C
Sunshine 40%
Freezing level 1800



afternoon 7°C Temperature 7°C
Sunshine 40%
Freezing level 2200


Mild, humid air is hovering over Central Europe. A weak area of high pressure will reduce the risk of showers but will not be sufficient to brighten up the sky. For our weather here this will mean a calm mix of sunshine and cloud.

Last update: 11.02.2025



Wednesday 4°C Temperature 4°C
Sunshine 20%
Freezing level 2100



Thursday 3°C Temperature 3°C
Sunshine 20%
Freezing level 1700


Trend Temperature
Freezing level


From Wednesday, high pressure will decline significantly and the first troughs of low pressure will extend to our region. They will bring thick bands of clouds.

Top destination in Flachau Top destination in Flachau

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